Tried to install the theme but i have a „style.css missing“ issue!
Please, read the documentation. You are installing the wrong file. You have to upload the<span style=“text-decoration: underline;“></span> archive, not the zip you downloaded from themeforest! Be sure you are installing the right file in your wordpress site.
I like the slider of the home #1 and the shortocodes of the home#7, can i mix the pages?
Sure. The home pages of our demo are just an example of what you can do using the sliders and the shortcodes availables in the theme. You can mix the elements and create your custom home page.
This is the first question about the Sistina theme
Aliquam fringilla, mauris ac molestie porttitor, dolor augue congue nisi, et sagittis dolor mauris sit amet lacus.
Curabitur quis urna at orci dignissim egestas non sit amet libero. In a nunc justo, ac tincidunt nisl. Aliquam fringilla, mauris ac molestie porttitor, dolor augue congue nisi, et sagittis dolor mauris sit amet lacus.
Curabitur quis urna at orci dignissim egestas non sit amet libero. In a nunc justo, ac tincidunt nisl.
Do you provide free support to setup this theme?
Sure. After the purchase you can access to our suppor forum and open a new topic if you need help from our developers. In the forum you can also watch a lot of <strong>videotutorials</strong> and also <strong>download our sample data</strong> to make your site like our demo with just 2 clicks!
I really like your demo. Can i import your xml file?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam consectetur lacinia semper. Duis consectetur sem lobortis, vulputate metus nec, laoreet lectus. Sed vulputate fringilla augue, ac ullamcorper tellus vestibulum in. Donec accumsan mi ut libero vehicula ornare. Proin nisi leo, ultricies ac arcu non, ultricies fringilla lectus. Cras consequat, massa id suscipit convallis, turpis felis pretium diam, pretium pharetra nunc nulla nec magna. Suspendisse at eleifend erat. Nulla suscipit nunc ut rutrum tempor. Fusce vitae dui risus. Mauris nec purus non mauris fringilla suscipit et ullamcorper tortor. Sed sit amet nisi felis. In ac mattis arcu.
Sed adipiscing aliquam lacus, at dapibus eros. Curabitur dapibus pretium mi, ac accumsan nulla dictum ultrices. Aenean ultrices erat et sapien bibendum tristique. Sed nec nulla ligula. Integer tempor nisi risus, nec pellentesque urna accumsan eget. Proin fermentum tempus dolor vel iaculis. Donec vel augue sagittis, iaculis eros sed, pulvinar lectus. Etiam bibendum ligula justo. Quisque hendrerit eros in justo sodales pellentesque. Ut pellentesque scelerisque elementum.